Sunday 8 October 2017

Why Learning English Is Important ?

Why Learning English Is Important ?

            English may not be the most spoken language in the world , but it is the official language in a large number of countries . It is estimated that the number of people in the world that use in English communicated on a regular basis is 2 billion .

            English is the language of science , computers and tourism . By learning English , it also can help you getting a job in country or abroad . English also used in Internet . Many websites are written in English . English also can easy to learn because it use simple alphabet compare to other language in the world .

               Many schools and university in the world use this language as a official language and offer them an English course . By learning English language , it also can make a lot of opportunities to get in to best university and school . English also can make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from yours .

Saturday 7 October 2017


There are many reason to learn English, but because it is one of most difficult languages to learn English. English may not be the spoken language in a large number of countries. It is estimated that number of people in the world that use in English to communicate on a regular is 2 billion.

Here are the reason why English is so important. first, English is the most commonly spoken language of the world. There are about 54 countries that are using English as their main language for example, Australia, England, Scotland and Singapore. Other than that, English is very useful for traveler that travel to countries that we don't understand their language. For some countries they use English as their second language so it is very useful for us to know English language.

Second, it increase the chances of getting a good paying job. If we can communicate in English, it will be easy for us to get jobs because a lot of huge companies need their workers to understand and can communicate using English. Third, about 400 million people around the world use English as their 1st language. Most school course use English for example, most of their textbook are in English and their have no other option except to teach in English.

Lat but not least, it gives a lot of satisfaction to learn the language, if we know and understand it we can easily make new friends from other countries by communicate with them through English language, We also can gain more knowledge through reading books because most of books are in English. Besides that, we can enjoy a lot of movies and songs such as hunger games and marvel movies.

In conclusion, learning English is so important in our life because it will make more easier to communicate with others, find job and many more. learning English language give you benefits and advantages. Anywhere, English is useful and helpful. So let learn English.

Friday 6 October 2017

Why English is Important?


The importance of learning English cannot be overstated in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world.For the millions of immigrants who travel the world from non-English speaking countries every year, learning to communicate in English is important to enter and ultimately succeed in mainstream English speaking countries. Working knowledge of the English language can create my opportunities in international markets and regions. If you know English well, an incredible amount of resources becomes a accessible books, course, videos and of course, a great part of the internet. Most of the blogs and websites are in English .
Many position require dealing with clients, service providers or colleagues from other countries. In cases, your knowledge of English is a critical advantage.

Other than that, it can help you advance further in you career as example you are able to manage better abroad. You can speak with confidence and get your message across clearly, instead of hesitating and stammering. Even in non English speaking countries, it can be very helpful for a tourist to know English.

Hence, if you learn English you can meet many new people from around the world. You can do that while you travel to a different country or even from home using the internet. Next, you can enjoy English art in its original form as example you can watch movies, read books, and listen to music in its original and untranslated form, which is in most cases more authentic. And songs tend to be better when you can truly understand them.

Why English Is Very Important?


       English is the principal language of Great Britain, the US, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries. There are some 400 million native speakers, and it is the medium of communication for many millions more: it is the most widely used second language in the world. It belongs to the West Germanic group of Indo-European languages, though its vocabulary has been much influenced by Norman French and Latin

Besides that, english is very important because people often want to know the best language to learn to get ahead in life. Many think that learning English, the internal language is the best option. English is of course an excellent choice, but it’s difficult for me to suggest just one language when my successes in life have come from speaking so many more languages than English. English also may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in a large number of countries. It is estimated that the number of people in the world that use in English to communicate on a regular basis is 2 billion!
Then, English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce. Research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English. Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be understated, learning English really can change your life.
Conclusion is why english important to us because this language can use for all country. English also as a second language and as an official language. 

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Why English is so important?

There’s few reason why English is so important because it is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come together they commonly use English to communicate.

Hollywood is a powerhouse of global entertainment so English can make it easier for those who loves to watch movies because English is also the language of the film industry and English means you no longer have to rely on subtitles. Also learning English will open your job prospects and increase your standard of living.

(google images)

English also is the language of internet because most of the content produced in the internet 50% is in English. It will allow you access to an incredible amount of information which is not available elsewhere.

(google images)

Group Members:

1. Siti Hana Najiha Bt Haridan
2. Nurul Fatehah Bt Norhazaruddin
3. Nur Aliah Zafirah Bt Zulkifli
4. Ainnur Maisarah Bt Mohd Rasman

Friday 22 September 2017




16 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
4 tbsp Baileys


1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tbsp Baileys
1 1/2 tbsp cocoa 
3 tbsp powdered sugar
15 Oreo cookies,crushed

  1. Beat cream cheese,sugar and cocoa together in a bowl until smooth.
  2. Add Baileys and mix until well incorporated.
  3. In another bowl, whip heavy whipping cream until it starts to thicken.
  4. Add Baileys,cocoa and powdered sugar and continue to whip until stiff peaks for.
  5. To make trifles,divide half of the cookie evenly between the four cups and spread into an even layer in the bottom of the cup.
  6. Spoon an even layer of cheesecake filling on the top the cookie crumbs in each of the four cups.
  7. Spoon an even layer of whipped cream on the top the cheesecake filling in each of four cups.
  8. Divide remaining cookie crumbs between the four cups and evenly distribute the second layers of crumbs on the top of the whipped cream.
  9. Spoon remaining cheesecake filling on the top of the cookie crumbs,distributing evenly between the four cups.
  10. Top each trifle with a swirl of the whipped cream and a few more cookie crumbs if you kept some.
  11. Refrigerate about 15 minutes and ready to serve.


Colour is something we can describe everything is this word , All we doing something its live colours we created , we sketch and colour at our own canvas.that 's mean colour in our lives , if too many colour we put at our canvas , and that many things  we have pass through and sweet , sour in our life .In psychology colour every have their own meaning .

( Search google image )

Red . Red is the colour of fire and blood . So it associated with energy, war , danger , strength , power , determination , as well as passion , desire , brave , and love .

 ( Search google image )
Yellow . yellow is the the colour of sunshine . His associated with joy , happiness , intellect and energy . Green is the colour of nature . It symbolize growth , harmony , freshness , and fertility . Blue is the colour of the sky and sea . It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolize trust , loyality , wisdom , confidence , intelligence , faith , truth and heaven . 

( Search google image )

( Search google image )

( Search google image )

Lastly, Colour is a powerful and important communication tool , and it is tied to religious , cultural , political and social influnces . By stoping to consider what each colour represents and is linked to in the 'real world' we can make informed design decisions that ensure we appeal to our target audience .
( Search google image )

Thursday 21 September 2017



    A festival is an event ordinarily celebrated by a community and centering on some characteristic aspect of that community and its religion or traditions.It is often marked as a local or national holiday,Hari Raya Aidilfiti or Aidiladha.Hari Raya Aidilifitri is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadhan,the Islamic holy month of fasting.The religious Aidilfitri is the first and only day in the month of Syawal during which Muslims are not permitted to fast.The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of down to sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadhan.The day of Aidilfitri,therefar,falls on the first day of the month Syawal.The date for the start of any lunar Hijri month varies based on the observation of new moon by local religious authorities,so the exact day of celebration varies by locally.


   Aidilfitri has a particular Solat consisting of 2 rakaat and generally offered in an open field or large hall.It may be performed only in congregation and has an additional extra 6 Takbirs,3 of them just before ruku' in the second raka'ah in the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam.Other Sunni schools usually have 12 Takbirs,7 in the first and 5 at the beginning of the second raka'ah.This Aidilfitri Solat is depending on which juristic opinion is followed,Fard,Mustahabb or Mandoob.


     Muslims believe that they are commanded by God,as mentioned in the Al-Quran,to continue their fast until the last day of Ramadhan and pay the Zakat and Fitra  before offering Aidilfitri prayers.

Wednesday 20 September 2017


           In 1992, the first Smartphone invented by IBM, known as a Simon Smartphone. This was a big breakthrough in the field of technology and for the requirements of people. Because people want to connect with each other with in a small period of time. It becomes possible to send messages and sending email to each other with the help of Smartphone. To understand that one technological device could change culture of customer, style of living and the whole society. After the invention of Smartphone a sudden change came into being in the human life and finds the way to go ahead in the field of technology. It is not possible to find anyone without smart phone. The smart phone is very essential device because of this you can talk to your clients, family members and colleagues. In other words a smart phone is also known as Personal Computer (PC) with advanced capabilities and functionality.There are several advantages and disadvantages of smartphones to the people in this article.

    Firstly,the advantages of smartphones is privacy.With the invention of smartphones, you don’t have to worry about your messages and love letter being discovered by family members. Smartphones allow you to store and secure this information. Most smartphones are designed with a phone lock system. You can use you a pin, code or even your fingerprint to lock your phone. People are prevented from lurking through your private messages. You just have to make sure that they don’t know your password by using a unique code.Secondly,the advantages of smartphones is GPS.Your smartphone can act as a GPS device. There are many great navigation apps that will help you find the location with ease. No matter if you are a driver or a pedestrian, you will get the directions, so you won’t have to go around asking people how to get somewhere. Many of the apps are also showing the places with the traffic jam, so this can help you avoid the jam and arrive faster.


       Besides that, disadvantages of smartphones is Health Issues.There are some discussions on whether cell phones can cause health issues. Most cell phones emit radiofrequency energy and these can be absorbed by tissues. In order to eradicate any possibilities then limit the use of mobile phones. Sleep deprivation is associated with heavy cell phones users. You need to rest your body so try not to stay up late at night on your phone. You are interfering with the rest your body needs. Smartphone overuse can even damage your eyes. Phones give off HEV light which can damage the retina.Distraction meaning is you can be easily distracted with a smartphone. You have to be careful because accidents can occur. If you are driving then put your phone away and concentrate. Whatever is on your smartphone can wait until you are home. Do not risk your life with these handheld devices. Social etiquette is another concern. There are many organizations that will request minimal use of cell phones. People tend to lose their concentration when they hear a phone ringing and someone steps out to take the call. If you are in an important meeting, remember to put your phone on silent. Also, it can be disrespectful when someone is talking to you and you are paying more attention to your phone.

     Conclusion, the smartphones can give a advantages to the people if we use it in the right ways.Smartphones also can give a disadvantages to the people if we use in the wrong ways.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Social Media

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forum, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, and Wikipedia among the different types of social media.

1- Education – Social media has a lot of benefit for the students and teachers. It is very easy to educate from others who are experts and professionals through the social media. You can follow anyone to learn from them and add some knowledge.
Also, no matter where we are, we can learn without paying a penny.

2- Help – You can share your issues with the community to get help and opinion from them. Whether in the form of money or advice we can get it from the community without meeting them personally but instead through social media.
3- Information and Updates – Another of social media is that we can share current information or issues with many people through social media. Often, the information displayed on the social media or television is untrue or incomplete. In addition, through social media we can share the right information and be able to change the society's view of something.

4-Promotion – If you have an online or offline business you can share and promote goods for sale as well as increase daily income through social media such as online advertising.

5- Noble Cause – Social media can also be used for the noble causes. For example, to promote an NGO, social welfare activities and donations for the needy people. People are using social media for donation for needy people and it can be a quick way to help such people.


Friday 8 September 2017


Family is a single word with many different meanings . People have many ways of defining a family and what being a part of a family means to them . Family are one or two parents and their children . There are several modern family structure that are excluded by this definition . such as childless couples or other variationson the family unit .
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(Source google image)

Every parents want to create and nurture a happy family . 'A happy family has a deep sense of meaning and purpose in their lives '. The truth is , happy families have many kids , messy houses , and money struggles , just like everyone else . But underneath it all , they have a core of contentment that sustains them through all of life's ups and downs .
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Image result for family blog
(Source google image)

Being happy as a family is something deeper than simply having fun together or feeling the immediate euphoria of a joyful event like opening present or chrismas morning .

Why Learning English Is Important ?

Why Learning English Is Important ?             English may not be the most spoken language in the world , but it is the official lang...