Saturday 26 August 2017



 Many definitions of language have been proposed. Henry Sweet, an English phonetician and language scholar, stated “Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined into words. Words are combined into sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into thoughts.” The American linguists Bernard Bloch and George L. Trager formulated the following definition. “A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates.” Any succinct definition of language makes a number of presuppositions and begs a number of questions. The first, for example, puts excessive weight on “thought,” and the second uses “arbitrary” in a specialized, though legitimate, way.

   According to Edward Sapir in his book entitled language: An introduction to the study of speeech. The concept of communicative language teaching has grown out of the notion that solely teaching grammar is not enough to prepare students for using the language independently. This method of teaching proposes that students need to understand the meaning and the communicative function of a language in order to learn the language. Next, The relationship between language and culture is a complex one due largely in part to the great diffi culty in understanding people’s cognitive processes when they communicate. Below, Wardhaugh and Thanasoulas each define language in a somewhat different way, with the former explaining it for what it does, and the latter viewing it as it relates to culture. 

After that, the function of keeping communication lines open, and keeping social relationships in good repair. We can say about this function that it is used for normal talks. An example of this, when two people meet each other accidently in a place. They start talking about something unimportant for the sake of communication like, how are you? How is your children? We can say that it is a kind of daily talking. It is does not have meaning but is good.

Lastly, we can define language as a system of communication using sounds or symbols that enables us to express our feelings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences.

Saturday 19 August 2017

                                  (google image )

Prem Ratan Dhan Payo

Prem Ratan Dhan Payo or it can be called “Found a Treasure Called Love” is a 2015 Indian romantic drama film written and directed by Sooraj Barjatya, and it was produced by Rajshri Productions. The main lead is Salman Khan and Sonam Kapoor. 


Salman Khan as Yuvraj Vijay Singh is the very rich crown prince of Pritampur, who is soon to be crowned as king. He is engaged to Maithili played by Sonam Kapoor a princess from the royal family of a neighboring kingdom. His rich half sisters Rajkumari Chandrika played by Swara Bhaskar and also his other sister Rajkumari Radhika played by Aashika Bhatia. They both live in a separate rented bungalow outside the palace while Chandrika working as an accounts head in a municipal school and she has filed a suit against his brother concerning the estate of the palace, because they felt their mother who is a poet and later mistress to the late king was wronged by the Queen also she embarrassed them in front of all of the King's children. Besides, Radhika and Maithili were once best friends but due to Maithili engagement with his brother Vijay their friendship has broken. Also, Vijay half brother Yuvraj Ajay Singh has been wanting to kill him and take the crown for himself. He plans everything to kill him with the help of Chirag Singh and Vijay's secretary Sameera while at the same time Chirag was actually planned to betrayed Ajay to get the benefits for himself. Unfortunately, the plan where they want to kill Yuvraj was failed but he was badly injured. He’s hidden in a secret place and been take care of by two doctors. Meanwhile, there is someone who looks like Prem Dilwale also played by Salman Khan, a love guru, happy, lively and carefree stage actor who falls in love with Princess Maithili, he goes to Pritampur to meet her along with his friend. There he met the Security Head of Pritampur Palace, Sanjay and he notices him by chance. After seeing the resemblance himself between Prem and Yuvraj Vijay, the security of the palace asks Prem to take Yuvraj Vijay's place while the king of Pritampur recovers from coma. Prem acts as Yuvraj but with his simple and caring behaviour, he unknowingly impressed the princess and she fell in love with him even though she’s engaged with Yuvraj Vijay. Prem also tried to reconcile with his sisters by bringing them back to the palace as he prepares legal documents to gave all of the royal family's estate to them. His half-sisters are so moved by the way he act, with a little help from Maithili, she eventually soften their hearts and they decided to refuse the offer.


In 2015, Salman Khan was nominated in Most Entertaining Actor of the Year and he won, same goes to Sonam Kapoor and she also won the category. In 2016, this film won the Best Song Of The Year category. Over all, they won so many awards in 2015 and 2016.

Music Video

Friday 18 August 2017


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Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the aspect of raising a child aside from the biological relationship.

The most common caretaker in parenting is the biological parents of the children, although others may be an older sibling, a grandparent or other family member. Governments and society may have a role in child-rearing as well. In many cases, orphaned and abandoned children receive parental care from non-parent blood relations. Other may be adopted, raised in foster care, or placed in an orphanage.
Credit to : www.wikipedia.parenting

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These are the guidelines for parent child relationship. Firstly, try to set a time on a regular basic to do something fun with your child. The parents can bring their children to the park atleast once a week. Their kids will not only will be close to their parent but also be healthy.

Secondly, never disagree about discipline when it comes to the children. When it comes to discipline the parent must not take side on them whenever they did something wrong. As a parent, we should never support our kids doing something bad. They have know that they are wrong so that they will never repeat it again.

source by google

Next, be consistent. Reward or punish them the same behaviour in the same manner as much as possible. Don't spoil them with toys whenever they want or when they are in bad behaviour, Reward them when they got good result in their exam or when they helped you with chores.

Last but not least, make it clear as possible what the undesirable behaviour is. To make it easy, make a rule and punish them if they don't follow it. Tell them what the effect if they have bad behaviour.

Parenting skills vary and a parent with good parenting skills may be referred ti as a good parent.

Sunday 13 August 2017



      And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect." (Quran 30:21)

     Muslims view marriage as the foundation of society and family life. All Muslims are advised to marry, and the Prophet Muhammad once said that "marriage is half of faith." Islamic scholars have commented that in this phrase, the Prophet was referring to the protection that marriage offers - keeping one away from temptation - as well as the tests that face married couples that they will need to face with patience, wisdom, and faith. Marriage shapes your character as a Muslim, and as a couple.There are many tips things to strengthen the husband and wife in islam.

   First tips of relationship strengthen is a good attitude as a muslim must always have a positive attitude toward life. We say, “Alhamdulillah” (Praise be to Allah) for whatever He gives us (or doesn’t give us). Next, step is help each other to make a relationship more better.The importance of men helping their wives and Allah tells us the importance of women being mates and helpers to their husbands. This is a real “win-win” situation, if we just follow it. Moreover, forgiveness is the best step to get a relationship getting better. Clearly, this is one of the most important aspects for the long lasting relationships . As husband and wife we must learn to forgive each others for a good relationship. Lastly, physical relationship is important be available to your mate sexually, and don't let your sexual relationship be characterized by selfishness. The Prophet was reported to have said: 'It is not appropriate that you fall upon your wives like a beast but you must send a message of love beforehand.

    The conclusion of relationship things to strengthen the husband and wife in good marriages is require patience, kindness, humility, sacrifice, empathy, love, understanding, forgiveness, and hard work. Following these principles will help the relationships more closer.If you follow this rule, your marriage will have a much greater chance for success and long lasting till the end of life. If you discard this rule, failure is just around the corner.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

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  K-POP, known as korean pop and in korean language "HANGUL" is a music genre originating in South Korean that is wide variety of audiovisual elements.K-pop is popular music described as modern from of south korean pop music has drawn on a range of western style and genres like rock, jazz, hip-hop,R&B,electronica and techno.                    

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   The earliest k-pop group,Seo Taiji and Boys forming in 1992.Their experimentation with different style of music and intergration of foriegn musical element "reshaped korea's music scene". K-pop "Idol" culture began 1996, as K-pop grew into subculture that amassed enormous fandom of teenager and young adult. New generation of K-pop idols that broke the music genre into Japanese market and internationaly like Europe.

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   K-pop fashion has a significant influence in Asia, where trends started by idols are followed by younger adult and teenager.Some idols have established status as fashion icon.There are some concern over trend such as skin whitening being porpularised by industry as beauty standards.

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   K-pop has spawned an entire industy encompassing production houses.The three biggest companies in term of sales and revenue are S.M Entertaiment, YG Entertaiment and JYP Entertaiment they as "The Big Three" there are responsible recruiting, training, and marketing new artists and managing thier musical activities and public relation. 

     Credit to:

Tuesday 8 August 2017



Initially , according to history , the art of "Kuda Kepang" was born as a symbol that people also have the ability in the face of the enemy or against the power who have the royal army . In addition , also as a medium for presenting entertainment that cheap but the phenomenal to the people at large .


The dance , now popular in the state of Johor , is usually perfomed by 9 to 15 dancers , all garbed in traditional Javances clothes . The dancers are usually all men , though women dancers are not uncommon these days . However , you will see both genders perfoming this dance together .

The dance is believed to have strong links to the spiritual world . It is not uncommon to see a Kuda Kepang dancer entering a trance during a perfomance .


The two-dimensional mock horse-which is traditionally made out of hide or pleated bamboo , and is painted and decorated to resemble a horse-is said to harbour spirits which have to be appeased in a pre-dance ceremony conducted by a bomoh(shaman) . These days , this belief and practice is not encouraged .

The Kuda Kepang has now become a regular fixture in grand occastons such as the birthday of the Sultan Johor , state goverment celebrations and cultural shows .

Credit To: 1)

Friday 4 August 2017


 Who is One Direction?  

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In 2010, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson auditioned as solo candidates for the seventh series of the British televised singing competition The X Factor. They won the competition and were named as One Direction or commonly known as “1D” are an English-Irish pop boy band based in London, one group of five members consist of Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and previously, Zayn Malik until he left the band on 25 March 2015. 


Their awards include six Brit Awards, four MTV Video Music Awards, eleven MTV Europe Music Awards, seven American Music Awards, and 28 Teen Choice Awards. They were awarded 2012's "Top New Artist" by Billboard. One Direction also received the honor of top artists in music and acting of the year at BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards. They have won seven awards out of nine nominations which are in 2012 “Up All Night” won Best British Album, and “One Thing” won Best British Single while One Direction themselves won Best British  Music Act.

Debut Single

Released in September 2011, One Direction's debut single, "What Makes You Beautiful", reached number one on the UK Singles Chart, after becoming the most pre-ordered Sony Music Entertainment single in history. Besides that their singles "Gotta Be You" and "One Thing", these two were on TOP in the UK Singles Chart top ten. 


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Junk food is not a healthy food to the health which every kid and children must know because they generally love to eat junk food

Good healthy is the necessity of living a healthy life for every one of us which needs to maintain a healthy habits throughout the life . However, eating junk foods in many is increasing everyday and making our future sad and diseased.

Parents should be very conscious towards their kids eating junk foods . Children always eating junk foods so parents must be responsible for the good or bad eating among their kids . They should train their kids about eating habits from childhood and make them clear about the difference between healthy and junk foods

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In a conclusion , although fast foods tastes good and eating it once in a while is fine , eating fast foods too frequently may result in health problems such as obesity or diabetes . The problems caused by fast foods are mainly in the high sugar , salt and fat are too much for the body to handle , and so cause problems .

Thursday 3 August 2017



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   Nick Vujicic has born to Dvska and Bovis Vujicic on 4th December 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. He want  born without arms and legs (tetra-melia syndrome). He had no legs, but two small feet, one of which had two toes. He writes with two toes on his left foot and a special grip that slides onto his big toe.

   During his young adult years, Nick Vujicic became depressed and decided to drown himself. After several attempts, Nick Vujicic realized that he did want to his loved ones with the burden and guilt that  would result from his suicide
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    A janitor at his high school inspired him to start speaking about his faith and overcoming adversity. Nick Vujicic started to talk in group of small people over the two years. Then, he found himself in front of three hundred people. Nick was nervous and his knees were shaking and within the first three minutes of talk, half of the girls were crying and the boys were struggling to hold their emotion together.

   One girl raised her hand up and said that she wanted to come up and hug him. She came hugged him in front of everyone, She whispered to Nick Vujicic,"Thank you,thank you,thank you. No one has ever told me that they loved me and that i am beautiful the way i am ".

   Nick Vujicic to finish his Bachelor degree in Accounting and Financial Planning from Griffith University at the age 21 years old.

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   Today, Nick Vujicic is motivational speaker and author of seven books. He writes about live, love and self-acceptance. He writes about family, productivity and work. he writes about the power of faith and standing strong. Nick Vujicic doesn't know the word depression. He's the founder of several non-profit organizations and presenter of motivational speeches worldwide. He speeches gives hopes and meanings of life to millions of people. When it comes to motivation and self-belief he's one the best people who can tell people about them.

Wednesday 2 August 2017


                                (CR 7 )

( Google Sources )
         Cristiano ronaldo's full name is Cristiano Ronaldo Das Santos Aveiro .His mother's name is Maria Dolares Des Santos Aveiro . His father's name is Juse Dinis Aveiro .The name if 'Ronaldo' was taken from the name of former Hollywood actor and ex - US President Ronaldo Reagan due to his father's love and respects for Ronald Reagan.
                  He started playing football at a very young age . He played in any position, either using wing or as a second striker . Cristiano Ronaldo's football skill got him to Sir Alex Ferguson of Manchester United. Besides that ,Cristiano Ronaldo  has been regarded as one of the best players in the world by football cristics  and millions of football lovers across the world. 

( Google sources )

                 Futhermore , Cristiano Ronaldo has made the only goal for Manchester United . They went to penalties and  Manchester United won the UEFA Champions League in the seasons in 2007 and 2008 . In addition , Cristiano Ronaldo has also won the FIFA World Cup Best Player of the year award in 2008. This is the most prestigious award for any football players. In the seasons of 2007 and 2008 he has won 13 awards. 

                 I think he is going to be the best player of the world and win the FIFA player of the year more than anyone else.

Tuesday 1 August 2017



Vivy Yusof or her full name is Vivy Sofinas Yusof is a entrepreneur and co-founder of FashionValet and dUck group.At the same time she is also a blogger and a mother of two.Vivy married her lomg-time boyfriend,Fadzarudin Shah Anuar in 2012 and have 2 children named Daniel Azim Shah and Mariam Iman Shah.Vivy does not have a background in business nor in the world of fashion.Instead,she was a law graduate from London School of Economics while her husband studied aerospace engineering.


With her husband Fadza,they currently run FashionValet.FashionValet offers a wide range of fashion apparel and accessories from local artwork design as well as designer outside of Malaysia such as ArezCo. and Mimpi Kita.


Meanwhile,dUCk scarves delivers beautifully made scarves ranging from Premium Basics in a wide high quality scarf inners.Each colour and design is inspired by the stories and adventures of dUCk's brand ambassador,D.dUCk stationery is the perfect accessory to help organize the chaos to our daily city lives.

FashionValet and dUCk group open to all people mostly women who has high quality standards.Eventhough FashionValet and dUCk scarves are expensive,people still buy it because it is pretty and their priority is quality.

Why Learning English Is Important ?

Why Learning English Is Important ?             English may not be the most spoken language in the world , but it is the official lang...