Wednesday 2 August 2017


                                (CR 7 )

( Google Sources )
         Cristiano ronaldo's full name is Cristiano Ronaldo Das Santos Aveiro .His mother's name is Maria Dolares Des Santos Aveiro . His father's name is Juse Dinis Aveiro .The name if 'Ronaldo' was taken from the name of former Hollywood actor and ex - US President Ronaldo Reagan due to his father's love and respects for Ronald Reagan.
                  He started playing football at a very young age . He played in any position, either using wing or as a second striker . Cristiano Ronaldo's football skill got him to Sir Alex Ferguson of Manchester United. Besides that ,Cristiano Ronaldo  has been regarded as one of the best players in the world by football cristics  and millions of football lovers across the world. 

( Google sources )

                 Futhermore , Cristiano Ronaldo has made the only goal for Manchester United . They went to penalties and  Manchester United won the UEFA Champions League in the seasons in 2007 and 2008 . In addition , Cristiano Ronaldo has also won the FIFA World Cup Best Player of the year award in 2008. This is the most prestigious award for any football players. In the seasons of 2007 and 2008 he has won 13 awards. 

                 I think he is going to be the best player of the world and win the FIFA player of the year more than anyone else.

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