Monday 4 September 2017


           Malacca is a Malaysian state on the Malay Peninsula's south west coast. The capital, Malacca city, has a colonial past seen in its preserved town center, the site of 16th-century, Portuguese St.Paul's Church. It's also home to Christ Church, built by the Dutch in the 18th century. Next to Christ Church in Red Square is the Stadthuys, the Dutch-era town hall now housing a museum of Malacca history and ethnography.
           Malacca has numerous historical places and building. In order to preserve those sites, numerous museums have been built to preserve those legacies. most of the museums in the state are managed by Malacca Museum Corporation. The other historical buildings and structures are A'famosa, Alor Gajah British Graveyard, Bastion Middleburg, Dutch Graveyard, Hang Jebat Mausoleum.

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                                                            BOSTION MIDDLEBURG

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                                                      HANG JEBAT MAUSOLEUM

           Malacca is one of the most popular tourist destinations within Malaysia. Every evening of the famous Jonker Street is very busy with travelers from all over the world.

                                            INTERESTING PLACE IN MALACCA
1. A'famosa
    A'famosa is more than just an opportunity for travelers to take pictures. Built in 1511, the settlement used to sprawl across a whole hillside but now only a lone gate (Porta de Santiago) remains.
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A'famosa is perhaps Malacca's best known sightseeing spot. Originally consructed by Alfonso de Albuquerque, the remains of the fort is now a crumbling whitewashed gatehouse and is located downhill from St.Paul's Church.

                                             INTERESTING FOOD IN MALACCA

The city of Malacca is a city that is full of rich culture and traditions that have made the city popular among the people who are coming here. Malacca is a haven for Chinese, Malay and Nyonya dishes.

1. Asam Pedas Claypot
    A big yellow signboard of the shop 'Asam Pedas Claypot' was easily spotted when you came to Kota Laksamana. A Minangkabau style of spicy and sour dish usually served with your choice of fish such as stingray and mackerel.

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It does not cost anyone who comes to Malacca because there are too many interesting places besides those mentioned above like Jonker Walk, Klebang beach, Taming Sari Tower, and so on. While food, Chicken Rice Balls, Ikan Bakar Parameswara and so on.

1 comment:

  1. Good entry.
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